I’m sharing some notes taken from the book ‘Docker for Web Developers.’

Without further ado, here are my notes:


  • A Docker image is a snapshot of a file and operating system with libraries and application executables. In essence, an image is a recipe or template for creating a container. (In a similar way that some computer languages let you define a reusable class template for instantiatingobjects of the same type.)
  • Containers are launched from a single image template configured by a Dockerfile.


  • An image is configured using a Dockerfile. It typically defines:
    • a starting base image – usually an operating system
    • all necessary installation steps, such as defining environment variables, copying files from the host, running install processes, etc.
    • whether the container should attach one or more volumes for data storage
    • whether the container should join a network to communicate with others
    • which ports (if any) are exposed to localhost on the host
    • the application launch command.
    • A Dockerfile defines the build steps required to install and execute an application in order to create a ready-to-run image.
    • Dockerfile commands run as a root (super) user when the image is created. This is generally safe;
      • you could restart a container if something catastrophic occurred
    • docker image build -t nodehello .
      • docker run -it –rm –name nodehello -p 3000:3000 nodehello
    • Docker Compose will use the nodehello image built earlier or initiate a build when that does not exist. You can also instruct Docker Compose to rebuild the image – perhaps after makingchanges to your Dockerfile :
      • docker-compose up –build
    • ss


  • Containers do not retain state between restarts. This is generally a good thing; any number of containers can be started from the same base image and each can handle incoming requests  regardless of how or when they were launched
  • However, some containers – such as databases – absolutely must retain data so Docker provides two storage mechanism types:
    • Volumes
    • Bind mounts
  • Either can map to a directory on the container, Volumes are the recommended way to persist data
    • docker volume create   data
    • docker volume inspect data


  • Any TCP/IP port can be exposed on a container, such as 3306 for MySQL
    • This allows the applications on the host to communicate with the database system at localhost:3306 .
  • An application running in another container could not communicate with MySQL because localhost resolves to itself
    • For this reason, Docker creates a virtual network and assigns each running container a unique IP address. It’s then becomes possible for one container to communicate with another using its address.

Docker Compose

  • A single container is launched with a single docker command
  • Docker Compose is a tool for managing multiple containers with associated volumes and networks. A single configuration file, normally named docker-compose.yml.


  • Containers are portable and reproducible. A single application can be scaled by launching identical containers on the same server, another server, or even a different data center on the other side of the world. (Docker Swarm / Kubernetes)
  • Cloud hosts offer their own orchestration solutions, such as AWS Fargate, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. These are often based on Kubernetes but may have custom options or tools.

Launch a MySQL database with Docker

  • docker run -it –rm –name mysql -p 3306:3306 –mount « src=mysqldata,target=/var/lib/mysql » -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysecret mysql
    • it creates a container from a specified image (mysql on the last line)
      • -it            =====> keep a container running after the application ends
      • –rm       =====> remove the container after is stops
      • –name =====> name a container
      • -e            =====> define an environment variable
      • –net      =====> connect to specific Docker network
  • docker inspect -f ‘{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}’ mysql
  • Port
    • This would make the port available to other containers within the Docker network but not expose it to the host

Connect to a container shell

  • docker exec -it mysql bash
    • Every Docker container runs an isolated Linux environment. You can connect to its shell and run commands, examine logs, or perform any other activities.
    • Remember containers are stateless! Any changes you make will be lost whenever the container is restarted.
  • docker container restart adminer mysql
  • docker container pause mysql
  • docker container unpause mysql
  • docker container rm mysql
  • docker container prune (remove all stopped containers)
    • docker container stop mysql mongodb adminer
  • docker system prune ===> All stopped containers, unused networks, and dangling images can be removed
  • docker exec -it mysql sh -c « ls / »

Define a Docker network

  • When a container is started, it’s assigned an IP address on the default Docker network
    • However, this can change on subsequent restarts so it is difficult to communicate between containers using an IP address.
  • docker run has –ip and –ip6 options so you can define a fixed IP, but it is generally easier to refer to another container using it’s –name
  • docker network create –driver bridgemysqlnet
    • docker run -d –rm –name mysql -p 33066:33066 –mount « src=mysqldata,target=/var/lib/mysql » -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysecret –net mysqlnet mysql

Deleting disk volumes

  • docker exec mysql /usr/bin/mysqldump -u root -pmysecret maroc > backup.sql

Full clean start

  • docker system prune -a –volumes

WordPress Example

  • docker run …  –mount « src=wpfiles,target=/var/www/html »
  • docker run …. -v $PWD/wp-content:/var/www/html/wp-content

Node Application

  • In previous chapters, you referenced a specific image: from Docker Hub. In this file, you’re using
    • a build: option to create an image from a Dockerfile :
    • context: is the relative path to the location of your Dockerfile , and
    • dockerfile: is the name of your Dockerfile .

Docker Search Hub

  • docker search –limit 5 php

Pull a Docker Hub image

  • docker pull node:lts-alpine

Dockerfile Reference

  • A Dockerfile is a plain-text file describing the steps to build an image, typically for your own application. To build a Docker image from a Dockerfile in the current directory, enter:


  • docker-compose down ===> stop the application
  • The application’s Docker containers, images, volumes, and networks can be removed with:
    • docker-compose rm
    • docker volume prune -f
    • docker image rm quiz_nodejs quiz_nginx
  • Alternatively, you can wipe all Docker data including base images:
    • docker system prune -af –volumes