PHP & Redis
Redis est un système de gestion de base de données clé-valeur, écrit avec le langage C et distribué sous licence BSD. Il fait partie de la mouvance NoSql et vise à fournir les performances les plus élevées possibles
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Redis est un système de gestion de base de données clé-valeur, écrit avec le langage C et distribué sous licence BSD. Il fait partie de la mouvance NoSql et vise à fournir les performances les plus élevées possibles
Continuer la lectureSorting algorithms are very classical means of manipulating a set of objects to obtain an ordered sequence of these objects. The method we are going to present involves sorting the array in ascending order, using the fact that at each step, all elements in the visited part of the array actually form a sequence of pairs that can be ordered. We don’t just identify the maximum value at each pass, but we also sort the elements of each pair. This may eventually reduce the number of passes required.
Continuer la lectureSorting algorithms are classical methods for manipulating a set of objects to obtain an ordered sequence of these objects.
In general, we consider a set of elements of the same class on which a total order is defined, making all these elements comparable for a certain order relation denoted by <. If these objects are numbers, numerical comparison is straightforward.
Continuer la lectureIn the context of our work, we use solutions like Ibexa DXP, and sometimes before the release of a higher version, it can happen that a bug is detected. Here, we have the choice, depending on the severity of the bug, to either wait for the new version and perform an update or apply the provided patch.
Continuer la lectureDesign Patterns in PHP are intended for designers and developers who regularly engage in object-oriented programming to create applications based on robust solutions.
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